Are you tired of struggling to keep up with your class lectures or feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to remember for exams? I can bet you are taking notes ineffectively. Common pitfalls students engage in while taking notes is that they concentrate so heavily on writing notes that they’re not actually listening to the information, rather they’re busy trying to write down every single thing they hear or see. Does this sound like you? Then let’s jump right in!

In this article, we’ll explore the top methods and tools for effective note-taking and provide you with tips to help you take better notes. Whether you prefer traditional pen-and-paper methods or digital note-taking tools, this article will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.

Note-taking is an essential skill for students, as it helps them to organize and retain information from lectures, readings, and other sources. If you’re going to ace your exams and perform well in your academics, then upgrading your note-taking ability is invaluable.

Why is Note-Taking Important?

Before we dive into the different note-taking methods, let’s first take a moment to discuss why note-taking is so important in the first place.

1. Helps with Memory Retention

When you write something down, you are engaging your brain in a more active way than if you simply listen to a lecture or read a textbook. When you’re first learning a new concept, you’re taking in further information that has to go through the process of memorization. The human brain, however, is inefficient at remembering things. Within 24 hours of leaving class, your brain will have forgotten more than half of what it remembered at the end of the class, hence the need to take notes.

2. Helps with Organization

Notes can be an excellent way to organize information. They allow you to summarize complex concepts, break down large pieces of information into more manageable parts, and connect different ideas together.

3. Helps with Future Reference

Finally, notes can serve as a valuable reference tool in the future. If you need to study for an exam or write a paper, having well-organized notes can save you a lot of time and effort.

The ultimate advantage of taking notes is that they customize the information you need to retain to your vocabulary and your mode of thinking.

Effective Note-Taking Strategies

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of note-taking, let’s explore some effective note-taking strategies that students can use.

The Cornell Method

The Cornell method is a classic note-taking strategy that has been used by students for many years. It involves dividing a sheet of paper into three sections: a narrow column on the left-hand side for keywords and main ideas, a wide column on the right-hand side for notes, and a space at the bottom for a summary of the key points.

The Cornell method is particularly effective because it forces students to actively engage with the material and summarize it in their own words. The summary at the bottom of the page can also serve as a useful review tool in the future.

Cornell Note-Taking Method

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a visual note-taking technique that involves creating a diagram of the key ideas and concepts related to a particular topic. The diagram is typically centred around a main idea, with branches extending outwards to connect related ideas.

Mind mapping can be an excellent way to organize information and see the relationships between different ideas. It can also be a useful tool for brainstorming and generating new ideas.

Mind Mapping Note-Taking Method


Outlining is a structured note-taking method that involves creating a hierarchical structure of main ideas, subtopics, and supporting details. This method is particularly effective for subjects that follow a logical, hierarchical structure, such as science or history.

Outlining can be an effective way to organize information and ensure that all the key points are covered. It can also be a useful review tool, as it allows students to quickly see the main ideas and supporting details.

Outlining Note-Taking Method

The Charting Method

The charting method is a note-taking technique that involves creating a table or chart to organize information. This method is particularly effective for subjects that involve a lot of data or statistics, such as math or science.

The charting method can be an excellent way to organize complex information in a structured and visual way. It can also be a useful review tool, as it allows students to quickly see the relationships between different pieces of information.

Charting Note-Taking Method

Digital Note-Taking Strategies

In addition to traditional pen-and-paper methods, there are also many digital note-taking strategies that students can use.


OneNote is a digital note-taking tool that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. It allows students to create notebooks, sections, and pages to organize their notes. It also includes features such as handwriting recognition, audio recording, and the ability to insert images and other media.

OneNote is particularly useful for students who prefer to take digital notes or who want to easily search and organize their notes. It can also be synchronized across devices, allowing students to access their notes from anywhere.


Evernote is another popular digital note-taking tool that is available on both desktop and mobile devices. It allows users to create notebooks, notes, and tags to organize their information. It also includes features such as handwriting recognition, audio recording, and the ability to clip and save web pages.

Evernote is particularly useful for students who want to keep all of their notes in one place and access them from any device. It also includes powerful search functionality, allowing students to quickly find the information they need.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a cloud-based word-processing tool that allows users to create and edit documents online. It includes features such as collaboration, real-time editing, and the ability to insert images and other media.

Google Docs is particularly useful for students who want to collaborate on notes or who prefer to type their notes rather than handwrite them. It can also be synchronized across devices, allowing students to access their notes from anywhere.

Tips for Effective Note-Taking

The first tip for effective note-taking is to be sure that you understand the purpose of taking these notes. For example, the goal of taking notes in a midsemester lecture might be very different from the notes you take in the review class before a final exam. Similarly, what you’re trying to accomplish with the notes you take in a weekly meeting with your team is likely to be different from the notes you take in the week leading up to a major client presentation.

By being clear on your intention with your notes, you are able to distinguish between information that is relevant to you and information that is not. You are even able to choose a note-taking method that will be best for you.

Generally, these are some other tips to follow:

1. Pay Attention

The most important thing you can do when taking notes is to pay attention. Listen carefully to the lecture or read the text carefully, and try to identify the most important information. Listen with the intention of getting exactly what you need, and write your notes in ways that will benefit your recall later.

2. Summarize

Rather than trying to write down every word, try to summarize the key points in your own words. As noted earlier, one of the key pitfalls to effective note-taking is trying to record everything.

There are two obvious downsides to this. One is that it is impossible to write as quickly as most people speak. On average, people handwrite 10 to 12 words a minute, and the average speaker speaks at around 100 words a minute. Even if you were typing your notes (which I don’t recommend; more on this shortly), you’d probably only be able to get down about half of what the speaker was saying.

The second is that if you’re copying what someone is saying verbatim, you’re probably not processing any of it. That means that, at the most essential moment of learning, you’re utilizing most of your brain for the task of taking dictation. When you use your own words in your notes, you begin to process the information, and that greatly enhances learning.

3. Handwrite your note

Writing by hand requires you to start processing the material immediately, and that has proven to be more effective. Even if you’re using a tablet computer to store your notes, use an electronic pen to do so. It’s just so much more effective.

4. Use Keywords

Use keywords and phrases to help you remember the main ideas. Highlight or underline these keywords in your notes to make them easier to find later.

5. Review and Revise

After you’ve taken your notes, take some time to review and revise them immediately.

This will help you retain the information much more effectively than if you don’t read your notes for days. As an added benefit, you’ll be able to supplement your notes with anything you might have missed while taking them because the information will still be fresh in your mind.. This will help to reinforce the information in your memory and ensure that you have captured all of the key points.

6. Stay Organized

Whether you’re using pen-and-paper or digital note-taking methods, it’s important to stay organized. Use headings, bullet points, or other formatting to help you organize your notes and make them easier to review later.


Effective note-taking is an essential skill for students, and there are many different note-taking strategies and methods to choose from. Whether you prefer traditional pen-and-paper methods or digital note-taking tools, the most important thing is to find a method that works for you and allows you to organize and retain information effectively. By following some best practices and tips, you can take more effective notes and improve your overall academic performance.

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